>:Shift out the Air Cannon for a Shrine.

You push out the Air Cannon, since it was never constructed in the first place. You replace it with the Shrine, which will be a main prayer spot for the gods. It is quite expensive though.

Crabtaur G:
“Sir? You seem a little conflicted.”

“Yeah i am conflicted. I am wondering if it’s possible to keep a building after you toss the template. This world seems to make rules out of everything…”

Crabtaur G:
“Well sir, tossing the templates will make the buildings implode into themselves and become the materials they were made with! That is simply common knowledge!”

“Huh… Wait, why do you know this?! You were popped under my reign! You aren’t part of the original group of Grotches!”

Crabtaur G:
“I… I have no idea sir! It seems like i know this basically, without having to really have learned it! It must be weird for you to not to know these kinds of things!”

“Uh… Yeah.”

The Grotch get back to their work. The watch Grotch keeps watch, the digger grotches head to the mine. The Spiderbird Riders stand guard outside the Fortress, and the rest are clumping around Sclawous.

The Farms produce twice the amount to catch up to the lost time in the battle. Next turn, they will work as usual.

The miners keep digging towards the red dots, and find two more green gems! 40 more Shingles!

A final status update on the current economy.

“Ok, with those Grotches working, we really need to FOCUS on getting some defenses and such up! I am not comfortable with leaving the Fortress Unsupervised. I really do think we need a hero.”

Crabtaur G:
“Hmm. Well, the more Sapphire Tributes we use on it, the more starting capabilities the hero will have! Now, a good description is needed, and some backstory could help build character!”

“Who are you talking to?”

Crabtaur G:
“The Voice Lords of course! Also, what the Hero can do ability-wise could also help greatly!”

“Im still not really sure that these beings can even hear us Crabtaur.”

Crabtaur G:
“Well it was worth a try!”

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