CR: Tell me everything I need to know.

you start asking questions.

CR: “Why don’t I remember anything before waking up here?”

artimeus (AM): “thats a side effect of the recruiting into the artisian armada. i still dont know why most lose their memory, but it usually returns when something reminds them of something big that has happened to them in their former life.”

CR: “Why do you look so much like me?”

AM: “thats because of your scarf and hairstyle… under the scarf i look nothing like you… trust me, you dont wanna see that.”

CR: “Who are you?”

AM: “as i said i am artimeus. my full name is Artimeus W. Srum. and i am the master of the artisian armada.”

CR: “What is the place?”

AM: “this place is as i have told you a crystal prison… both you, me and alot of others from the armada has been trapped in here. you where the only one i could get out of your prison, so i began helping you getting further ahead. i can only teleport you once more right now, cause my energy is being drained even as we speak.”

CR: “How do I regen MP and HP?”

AM: “oh thats an easy one. you just have to learn the passive combat raves: COMBAT RAVE: AMAZING REGEN HEALTH! and COMBAT RAVE: AMAZING REGEN MANA!”

CR: “Where’s my ferret!?”

AM: “oh that. i know ive seen it here somewhere… you see, i can see through the eyes of all my subordinates, so i see allot of things in here.”

“are you finished?”

you keep asking:

CR: “are there any hot chic-“

AM: “no.”

CR: “… aw come on!”

CR: “what is the artisian armada?”

AM: “that, is hard. the armada is, to put it lightly, a giant galaxy spanning collection of warriors, chimeras and monsters, that i and all the seargents and generals of the armada use to wage war against our enemies.”

CR: “how did i lose my eye?”

AM: “that was before i recruited you.”

CR: “what happens when i die?”

AM: “well… even i has been asking myself that question… i dont know the answer.”

CR: “how do i get the regeneration raves?”

AM: “all in due time my friend.”


AM: oh. right, i forgot a little about that. normally im about a little higher than you, but as i understand, the prison guardians needs me to be gigantic too suck out my magicks and energies.”

CR: “can i get a list of guardians so i know what to kill?”

AM: of course. i have been creating a small hub, here in the prison with some of my leftover energy. i will place things such as that in this hub. if i can, i will free Macherandise, hes a salesman if that wasnt obvious, oh yeah, you dont have anything to pay him… dont worry, if you kill monsters, some of them drop valuable stuff that you could take and sell to him.”

“time is running out… im going to teleport you into the hub now.”

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