CR: Questions!!

CR: “That’s cool I guess… Do you know what I should do now?”

PK (PinKrieg): “Oh that is easy! We are going to transform back into Tools, and then we are going to test your newfound abilities!”

CR: “What exactly IS the monochrome race?”

GG (GoodGlasses): “Let me take this one: The Monochrome race is what you and me are. We are a humanoid race, with 3 toes, 4 fingers, white eyes and no normal smelling organ or hearing organ, also a great affinity for magick, and for change. With magick, it is possible for us to hear, and smell like the other races do. we are a proud people, or rather, we where, because our homeworld got demolished. We had so much, but then the purple menace attacked. In general, we are a hardworking magick race.”

CR: “Who am I?”

PC (PuffCoat): “Oh that is easy, you are son of gkaerhoa, and iyidkfhsn! Oh, what happened! It seems i cannot pronounce your parents names! Oh well. Your father was a great warrior, and your mtoher was a cook! You lived among the royal army, guarding and helping the royalty of our world. Of course, you where just a child back then.”

CR: “Where am I?”

PK: “This place? It is known as a Destraiti! Or a hidden world! This is a place everyone have, but only a few get to visit it in their life-time! Think of this place as the center of your mind and soul!”

CR: “Why aren’t you dead if you’re y’know .. dead?”

GG: “Oh, we are dead alright, but someone must have dragged our souls back to the living world and planted us around in the different worlds! But for someone to plant father here inside your own center of you mind, it must be someone very dear to you who have planted us!”

CR: “What’s the Secret of Monkey Island™?”

PC: “I beg you pardon?”

PC: “Do you have any more questions?”

CR: “How many crystals could a crystal chuck chuck if a crystal chuck could chuck crystals?”

PK: “Uh, What is this talk about crystals? Heh! You have gone a little cuckoo since i last saw you my friend!”

CR: “Who are the patriots?”

GG: “Heh, you have clearly gone cuckoo!”

CR: “Would there by any chance be anything edible about? I can’t remember when I last ate anything that wasn’t for the restoration of stats.”

PC: “That may actually explain why you have been a little weird right now! We dont have anything edible, we are dead as you can remember. Hmmm…”

CR: “what is my true name?”

PK: “That is easy! Dont you even remember your true name?! Its!… It is!!… What the heck was it?”

GG: “Now that i think about it, i cant remember it either!”

PC: “Me neither! How can this be?”

CR: “What the heck am I even supposed to be doing?”

PK: “I think you know that best yourself, Nephew. If you are lost, you know that you can always find the answer by focusing! And dont worry! We are right here, alongside you!”

CR: “have you heard of Artimeus Srum?”

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