Welcome to the link archive! This now serves as the “update” area of the website! Have fun scouring those links for delicious ==|> and O-==G‘s!
- Things go awry
- ==|>/—[]
- >CR: You’re probably upsetting him. Just calm down and introduce yourself casually.
- —[]
- —[]
- ==|>
- ==|>
- ==|>/—[]
- ==|>/—[]
- ==|>/—[]
- ==|>/—[]
- ==|>/—[]
- ==|>/—[]
- ==|>/—[]
- Everyone: SHUT UP!!
- ==|>/—[]
- ==|>/—[]
- ==|>/—[]
- Everyone: Panic.
- O-==G
- O-==G
- Door: Close suddenly.
- JFV: Oh stop being such a nancy and get out there!
- O-==G
- JFV: Peek through the door.
- JFV: Stand halfway through the door and close it.
- O-==G
- O-==G
- O-==G
- JFV: Tap left arrow.
- O-==G
- JFV: Just pick the spiral already!
- JFV: What about the meditating guy?
- JFV: No, wait! Pick the flame!
- O-==G
- O-==G
- JFV: Hit the long yellow fruit.
- O-==G
- JFV: Poke the eye. It’s creeping me out.
- O-==G
- O-==G
- O-==G
- O-==G
- JFV: Well get on with it then!
- JFV: It wouldn’t hurt just to take a LITTLE peek outside…
- O-==G
- O-==G
- JFV: Why can’t you go through the door?
- JFV: I’d assume you can’t take a peek at the contents of the locker?
- O-==G
- JFV: Peek outside.
- JFV: Explain!
- JFV (Jude of the Firesprite Village): WAIT A MINUTE!
- O-==G
- O-==G
- O-==G
- O-==G
- ??: Psst Lady, your HAIR!
- O-==G
- O-==G
- ??: Completely fail to calm down.
- O-==G
- O-==G
- O-==G
- O-==G
- ??: Hey. Hey lady. Yeah. You. You dropped your hair.
- O-==G
- O-==G
- O-==G
- ??: Rage out.
- ??: Run out of people to look at.
- O-==G
- CR+KT: Scream!
- ==|>
- CR: Investigate!
- CR: Get to the elevator already!
- ==|>
- ==|>
- CR: Go to Elevator.
- ==|>
- ==|>
- –|===>
- CR: Read Letter.
- KT: Check the box for more stuff.
- CR: What’s in the box?
- CR: Gush.
- ==|>
- ==|>
- KT: Ask why there is light around.
- CR: Enough tomfoolery. Let’s just get on with it.
- ==|>
- ==|>
- ==|>
- CR: Survey hole you entered from.
- ==|>
- CR: Try again! You almost had it!
- CR: Tell off Knight.
- KT: Stress out!
- CR: Hit the ground.
- CR: Struggle like the wind!
- ==|>
- ==|>
- CR: Try casting a spell from the new Vial!
- CR: Inquire about dark arm
- [FLASH] CR: Converse with own eyeball.
- ==|>
- ==|>
- ==|>
- CR: Awaken.
- ==|>
- ==|>
- CR?: Well, go wake yourself then!
- ==|>
- ==|>
- CR?: Have a look around.
- ==|>
- ==|>
- CR?: Come on, do something!
- ==|>
- CR?: Try to turn or lift your head.
- ==|>
- ==|>
- CR?: Arm, ASCEND!
- ==|>
- ==|>
- O-==G
- —[]
- —[]
- MM: Don’t forget Al!
- MM: Check the sides, anything there?
- MM: Smell around, get a view of the new area.
- MM: Quick! Look around for the giant crab!
- MM: Miraculously survive.
- —[]
- MM: Ponder.
- —[]
- —[]
- —[]
- —[]
- —[]
- —[]
- MM: Fuse sandstone and stick.
- MM: Fuse crab and stick.
- MM: Do something about Al.
- MM: Grab stick.
- —[]
- —[]
- MM: Get a weapon!
- MM: Is it a mold of some sort?
- MM: Flip it over!
- —[]
- —[]
- —[]
- —[]
- MM: Go check out the large metal thing.
- —[]
- —[]
- —[]
- AL: Jump into the Cauldron by Accident
- —[]
- —[]
- —[]
- MM: Assess crab danger.
- C;,,;C
- —[]
- MM: Stick your head in.
- MM: Take stock of armor, level.
- —[]
- MM: Activate cauldron!
- MM: Drop some sand in the cauldron?
- MM: Why don’t you examine that metal construct?
- MM: Smell your immediate surroundings.
- MM: Look-
- MM: Quickly, take stock of the room! There’s loot to be found!
- —[]
- —[]
- —[]
- MM: Locate Exits
- MM: What nose?
- MM: chuck dead self in a bin.
- MM: Save sweet suit from dead guy.
- MM: Sniff out your surroundings.
- —[]
- ==|> / —[]
- O-==G
- O-==G
- O-==G
- O-==G
- O-==G
- ==|>
- CR: Awaken.
- ==|>
- ==|>
- –|>
- –|>
- –|>
- –|>
- Suspended in darkness…
- –|===>
- –|===>
- –|===>
- –|===>
- –|===>
- –|===>
- –|===>
- –|===>
- –|===>
- –|===>
- –|===>
- –|===>
- A different beginning
- ==|>
- [FLASH] CR: Get to the mine already.
- ==|>
- CR: Give Emerl a thank you gift.
- ==|>
- CR: Store badge.
- ==|>
- CR: Make Badge!
- CR: Look at badge minter.
- ==|>
- CR: Check out medallion!
- ==|>
- CR: Choose clothing set 3 with 1’s shoes!
- CR: Examine Ghost plush.
- ==|>
- CR: check out scary ass ghost pic thing!
- CR: What’s that behind your bed?
- ==|>
- CR: Tell where you are.
- ==|>
- ==|>
- CR: Take what is inside the shrine box.
- CR: Raid the closet before you go anywhere
- CR: Examine deadbeat poster.
- CR: What is what?
- CR: Assess Situation.
- ==|>
- ==|>
- CR: Just take the direct approach. Tell her to GO AWAY.
- CR: Think of something!
- CR: Why is this an “Oh no”?
- ==|>
- ==|>
- ==|>
- CR: don’t let her get solo exp! Beat it to a pulp.
- ==|>
- CR> Don’t even bother waiting for it to come out. Just (Drill) Whip it!
- ==|>
- Container: Magically reseal?
- ==|>
- CR: Now show her the other thing.
- ==|>
- CR: Don’t fool around. Just say “Excuse me?”
- ==|>
- ==|>
- CR: Onward to the IRON THRONE!
- CR: Grab a couple of loose horns.
- ==I>
- CR: Look behind the boxes there. I spy a thing at the top.
- CR: Enough bug shenanigans. Get a move on!
- Rollo: Hit CR in the face
- Rollo: Curl up into a ball
- CR: Console the bug!
- CR: Keep Heading towards the King then.
- Rollo: Spazz Out!
- CR: Give Polum a Health Part Pellet
- CR: Show Polum the rock
- CR: Question Time!
- CR: Explain “Bower Boum”
- ==I>
- CR: Turn around and apologize profusely
- ==I>
- CR: Steal the bug!
- ==I>
- CR: Examine Green thing.
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- CR: …oi, wait. Before you forget, show Farenzie the Weird Stone.
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- CR: Take checkup of new things in the magick map!
- ==I>
- CR: Yes you really should be going to see the king and queen.
- ==I>
- CR: …Also you should prolly’ pull that hatchet out.
- CR: Check to see if the coat even fits you.
- –I>
- –I>
- –I>
- –I>
- Suspended in darkness…
- ==I>
- CR: Examine the corpse! Perhaps there is treasure!
- CR: Look up.
- CR: Go to the Spiralling Staircase. Get yourself some treasure!
- ==I>
- From high up, a creature watches our hero with fascination.
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==IOI===I>
- =======I>
- ======I>
- =====I>
- ====I>
- ===I>
- ==I>
- CR: Drill feint around him, and attack him from behind.
- ==I>
- CR: Open Dataworks
- CR: Check RaveIndex
- CR: Open Statusventory. Check what Battle Techniques/Raves you have available.
- ==I>
- ==I>
- CR: Oh, he asked for it. Kick him as hard as you can!
- ==I>
- CR: Greet little creature. He sounds friendly.
- ==I>
- CR: Explain the giant door on the edge of the island.
- CR: Go check out the spiral lighthouse which is quite obviously the castle.
- ==I>
- Investigate book
- –I>
- Suspended in darkness…
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- CR: Make more things!
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- CR: Take out your stylus and get ready to play the forging minigame.
- ==I>
- CR: Forge whatever it is that the king needs. Then combine stuff.
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- King: act very silly and not serious at all!
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- CR: act all tough and angry to inti-
- CR: Make fun of his name.
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- CR: walk along and talk about old times.
- ==I>
- ==I>
- CR: go get some more iron to work with and then go work it.
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- CR: Panic!
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- CR: Take object with you, and head out. MISSION COMPLETED!
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==|>
- ==I>
- WD: shenanigans!
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- CR: Seriously though harvest them crystals. You require more minerals.
- ==I>
- CR: Work your sensory mojo in the most over-the-top way possible.
- ==I>
- CR: Lots of names!
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- ==|>
- ==I>
- ==I>
- Mineral Caper