to think that you would come this far…

the thoughts of Crystal Raver wrote:
this tale began with you, sitting in a crystal prison cell, with no mean to go anywhere. you could not remember anything from you past at all.

the first thought you remembered after this sudden loss of memory, was the urge to choose an element.

you chose carbon, the weakest and mightiest rock element of them all.

you soon got up and started to scan your surroundings, dillidallied around a little, you had used your carbon magick to invoke the defence spell, LVL 1 DEFENSE MAGICK: GRAPHITE SHIELD! soon after you found a glowing part of the wall. this was a portal, that the ruler of the artisian armada, Artimeus Srum, was talking to you through!

he warned you of a guardian, residing in the portal. you awoke the guardian, Ramblax, and started the first test of your strength!

in the start you invoked LVL 1 ATTACK MAGICK: GRAPHITE EXPLOSION! and blew up the first eye of the beast, thus learning his weakness. after this, you invoked LVL 1 SUPPORT MAGICK: GRAPHITE (PEER) PRESSURE! and created a PRESSURIZED GRAPHITE SHIELD ROCK. this took the last of you Magick Part. (MP)

this was the time when the same thought or, voice if you could call it that, started to request a weapon! many things was thought through, but it ended in your always powerful DRILL-WHIP, the first tool!

the battle between you and Ramblax went on, and on his final tow eyes, as you spun up your DRILL-WHIP, the CRITICAL RAVE activated, and you started the attack:


this attack killed Ramblax.

now, with the first guardian defeated, the portal was open for you to pass through.

after a series of events, you end up in the cell of the great Artimeus Srum. he tells you that you are a part of the artisian armada! he also tells you, that the guardians are stealing his power! he sends you, his only and last warrior, to finish of the guardians, and free him!

soon after you end up in the hub. nothing really was in here, other than a great circle on the roof that was parted up in all the eight guardians. Ramblax’ face was already there. you chose to continue into the fire realm.

in this new and wondrous place, you was first challenged by a door! you had to find the key, but tried drilling through the door first.

it was a failure, and the DRILL-WHIP was stuck.

you then continued to go through the back area and found the first puzzling challenge. this was quickly taken care of. you also found a locked chest on the way.

you then found a pile of soot on the bottom of a big pit, that was full of lava before. in this pile you found the green sprial key, and Jude.

Jude is a firesprite! or rather… WAS a firesprite! after you got covered in soot she thought that you where her close friend, Veronica, that was wandered of to see the world.

after a heated discussion, it ends in Judes tragic death. atleast you got the spiral key!

you open the chest and aquired the second tool: the BIONIC EYE!

you continued into the next room and found 3 pillars! also, the firesprite, Bart, was hiding in the wall, prepared to jump any nearby adventurers! you where still covered in soot, so you where still looking like Veronica… hmm… i wonder WHERE she is in this strange world…

you ended up killing Bart, and got the Grand Key! with this you opened the Great Door, and continued!

after some more puzzling, you found an Ice Bit! this little creature has yet to unveil its powers for you… he keeps talking about an upgradator! whatever that is…

breaking the pillar that the Ice Bit was sealed on made the third tool appear: the DRAIN SCARF!

you found the merchant, Equiperament, and the armored guy in the next rooms. there was a small fight between the three of you, and after that you all agreed (more like the armor guy said) that you should find some Flex Rodexon Ore! after that, Equiperament made sure you knew about splinters and sold some things to you.

in the next room, you found Bazalorage, hiding in a giant wall, just waiting for a challenge.

the wave of lava created by Bazalorage somehow made you realise something from your past, where you learned the reason why you cannot remember you mother very well…

now you are here.

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