''>Inspect Posters''\n\n<html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/b6fqk.png"/></html>\n\nSome people idolize their parents or perhaps David Bowie. You, however, hope to grow up to live in the shoes of either BABE RUTH or KAMINA. Unlike trying to be SHERLOCK HOLMES, you cannot play major league baseball or wield the drill that will pierce the heavens at your age, but a boy can dream.\n\nYou bought some KAMINA GLASSES from the anime shop and keep a baseball bat in your room, though. Just in case.\n\n[[>Captchalogue Kamina Posters]]\n<<display "Troy Actions 1">>
''>Look for sylladex''\n\n<<if $lhpester1>>\n<html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/SPpjy.png"></html>\n\nWith LH absent, you now check your PROTON PACK for real. As it turns out, your SYLLADEX is not inside it. That wouldn't even make sense anyway. Where are you going to check now?\n<<if !$protonpackChecked>>\n<<set $protonpackChecked=true>>\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>\n<html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/CG2M0.gif"></html>\n\nYou check to see if you left your SYLLADEX inside your coveted GHOSTBUSTERS PROTON PACK REPLICA. This kind of tragic oversight happens precisely once a day. However, as you're about to inspect the pack, you're suddenly pestered by the troll who has been nagging and gloating and fussing at you lately! He is such a bother.\n\n<html><div style="border: 1px dashed gray; padding: 1px; width:70%;background-color: #EEEEEE;"><div><button type="button" class="button" onmouseover="this.sv=this.style.backgroundColor; this.style.backgroundColor='#777777';" onmouseout="if(this.sv)this.style.backgroundColor=this.sv; else this.style.backgroundColor='';" onclick="this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[1].style.display = ''; this.parentNode.style.display = 'none'; return false;" title="Click to show the text.">Show Pesterlog</button></div><div class="spoiler" style="display: none;"><div><button type="button" class="button" onclick="this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display = ''; this.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = 'none'; return false;" title="Click to hide the spoiler.">Hide Pesterlog</button></div>\n<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">\n <tr>\n <td width="100%" valign="top"> \n <p style="font-weight: bold; font-family: courier, monospace;color:#000000">\n -- <span style="color: #7f7f7f">lightningHunter [LH]</span> began fussing <span style="color: #550000">pr00bingAudit00r [PA]</span> at 9:01 --\n<br />\n<span style="color:#7f7f7f">LH: Greetings.</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#550000">PA: hell00 00nce again.</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#550000">PA: are y00u here t00 m00ck me f0r my inc00mpetence?</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#550000">PA: 00r maybe y00u just want t00 c00nfuse me with y00ur bullh00nkey jibberjabber.</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#550000">PA: g00 right ahead, i am quite busy l0000king f00r l00st items 00f great imp00rtance.</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#7f7f7f">LH: Your text pains me to read. Who ever thought replacing o with 00 was a good idea? Perhaps they were young and wanted to look smart or different.</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#550000">PA: and y00r pretenti00us light grey text is any better?</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#550000">PA: als00, please d00n't refer t00 my decisi00ns in the third pers00n. it is very strange and ann00ying.</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#7f7f7f">LH: People deserve to work to read what I say. After all, I am powerful and well-respected. Don't go comparing your teenage idiocy to my finely-honed choices in pesterlog readability.</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#550000">PA: see, bullh00nkey jibberjabber. s00 c00nfusing and made up. and that's c00ming fr00m the b00y wh00 keeps a pr00t00n pack in his r00000m.</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#7f7f7f">LH: I could look down on you and slowly shake my head all day.</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#7f7f7f">LH: But I have places to be and artifacts to collect.</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#7f7f7f">LH: Once you start playing, so will you.</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#550000">PA: playing what?</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#550000">PA: the new digital c00mputer game?</span>\n<br />\n<span style="color:#7f7f7f">LH: Fair travels.</span>\n<br />\n-- <span style="color: #7f7f7f">lightningHunter [LH]</span> is now idle! --\n </p>\n </td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n</div></html>\n<<set $lhpester1=true>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<display "Troy Actions 1">>
''>Examine baseball pile''\n\n<html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/hbG9h.png"></html>\n\nWhile this pile of baseballs may seem out-of-place to an uninitiated observer (read: anyone that's not you), it's actually a way for you to listen to your collection of SICK BEATS without heading all the way down to your MAINFRAME COMPUTATION STATION. Each baseball has exactly one song embedded in it. Now, which one are you going to hold up to your ear?\n\n''Curi00s Allies (Troy's Theme):''\n<html><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://flash-mp3-player.net/medias/player_mp3.swf" width="200" height="20">\n <param name="movie" value="http://flash-mp3-player.net/medias/player_mp3.swf" />\n <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />\n <param name="FlashVars" value="mp3=http%3A//dexworks.net/Ffschooler/assets/Curi00s%20Allies%20%28Troy%27s%20Theme%29.MP3" />\n</object></html>\n''Infiltration:''\n<html><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://flash-mp3-player.net/medias/player_mp3.swf" width="200" height="20">\n <param name="movie" value="http://flash-mp3-player.net/medias/player_mp3.swf" />\n <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />\n <param name="FlashVars" value="mp3=http%3A//dexworks.net/Ffschooler/assets/Infiltration.MP3" />\n</object></html>\n''Miscommunication:''\n<html><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://flash-mp3-player.net/medias/player_mp3.swf" width="200" height="20">\n <param name="movie" value="http://flash-mp3-player.net/medias/player_mp3.swf" />\n <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />\n <param name="FlashVars" value="mp3=http%3A//dexworks.net/Ffschooler/assets/Miscommunication.MP3" />\n</object></html>\n\n<<display "Troy Examinations 1">>\n<<display "Troy Actions 1">>
[[>Examine conspicuous rug]]\n[[>Examine strange curtains]]\n[[>Examine paranormal bedsheets]]\n[[>Examine baseball pile]]
''>Who's this douchebag?''\n\n<html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/6pA0a.png"/></html>\n\nIt says here in some papers that a few months ago you moved to your 13th neighborhood. Though it was 13 neighborhoods to this day you were born, it is only in this one that you will be given a name!\n\nWhat is your name?\n\n[[>Basement Fairy]]\n[[>Troy LeSal]]
<<if $zoomed>>[[>Look around|>Look Around (Troy's Room)]]\n[[>Inspect posters|>Inspect Posters (Troy's Room)]]\n<<if $lostsylladex>>[[>Look for sylladex|>Look for sylladex (Troy's Room)]]<<endif>>\n<<if $protonpackChecked>>[[>Zoom out|Zoom out (Troy's Room)]]<<endif>>\n<<else>>[[>Zoom to fake wall|>Look Around (Troy's Room)]]<<endif>>
''>Troy LeSal''\n\n<html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/6pA0a.png"/></html>\n\nThat's more like it.\n\nIt seems that you live in a nice house in this rather affluent neighborhood living with your beloved PAPA who, according to this statement, is a PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR. Most suspicious. You have multiple interests (but they need further corroboration) but most relate to HISTORY, INVESTIGATIONS or BASEBALL and a tinge of ANIME. It states in this document that you enjoy CONNECTING THE DOTS AND CLOSING THE CASE with a slight tinge of JUSTICE but mostly you just like seeing things COME TOGETHER. You tend to be a bit strange with your WIDE RANGE OF OBSCURE TOPICS but you open up with your SILLY SIDE once you get to know and trust people.\n\nYour ISP-recorded Pesterchum handle is <html><font color="#550000">pr00bingAudit00r</font> and <font color="#550000">you speak with a certain h00ll00w 0r sp00ky t00ne.</font></html>\n\n<<display "Troy Actions 1">>
''>Examine paranormal bedsheets''\n\n<html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/a8LvQ.png"></html>\n\nAs is likely obvious by now, you're not averse to mixing your INTEREST IN THE PARANORMAL with a little POP CULTURE once in a while. After all, as far as you know, none of your past thirteen neighborhoods have been hotspots for WIZARDS, TIME TRAVELERS or ALIENS. You have an odd feeling that you may one day find all three of those things, though.\n\nAs for the bedsheet itself, it was either the TITLE IMAGE of the show or a signed picture of DAVID DUCHOVNY. Ultimately you decided that SPOOKY 90's INVESTIGATOR ABS plastered where you sleep would get your future man card revoked. The things you do to fit in.\n\n<<display "Troy Examinations 1">>\n<<display "Troy Actions 1">>
<<set $zoomed=true>><html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/6pA0a.pngg"></html>\n\nYou are now this young man.\n\n[[>Who's this douchebag?]]
''>Examine conspicuous rug''\n\n<html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/BkSNB.png"></html>\n\nIf HONEST HOLLYWOOD WRITERS have not lied to you, overwhelming evidence suggests that no one except the hero of the story (which, of course, is you) would be intelligent enough to lift up CONSPICUOUS RUGS. Excellent rule, as this rug houses one of your many SECRET UNDERGROUND BASES. Your MAINFRAME COMPUTATION STATION exists below, so you'll have to head down there after you've collected your absent SBURB DISCS.\n\n<<display "Troy Examinations 1">>\n<<display "Troy Actions 1">>
''>Look Around''\n\n<<set $zoomed=true>><html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/6pA0a.png"/></html>\n\nYou have a wide variety of COLLECTED ARTICLES OF DUBIOUS LEGALITY. Your four walls are covered with coveted posters of your HEROES, BABE RUTH and KAMINA. Maybe it is strange to idolize both sports and anime, but y00u d00n't care.\n\nOn the ground near you is a FIGURINE OF SHERLOCK HOLMES, the man you constantly try to be. Unfortunately, so far you have not saved Britian, nor have you scored a choice lady nor even been corrected by Doctor Watson. EUROPE'S FINEST INSPECTOR sets the bar high.\n\n<<display "Messages 1">><<display "Troy Actions 1">>
''>Zoom out''\n\n<<set $zoomed=false>><html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/elVcy.png"></html>\n\nYou scope out the rest of your room. Furnishings, adequate. Others might judge you for your stylistic choices, but you're positive FOX MULDER would applaud. And a sexy PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR's imaginary approval is all you need to make it through the day.\n\nYou do not actually keep a computer in plain sight. That would be too conspicious, and if PROFESSOR MORIARTY's thugs ever knocked down your door, it would be the first thing they would take. No, your precious digital shames are hidden elsewhere: behind fake walls, in your PDA... this house is full of secrets.\n\nSpeaking of fake walls, the door and window behind you are absolutely bogus. Clever ruses to buy more investigation time while any invaders fumble about, throwing around insults concerning each others' love lives. Your room does not, in fact, lead to a perpetually-sunny field, despite what the lying window may tell you.\n\nNow, this series of paragraphs could go on all day, but you decide to make it fun for the reader. What should you investigate first?\n\n<<display "Messages 1">><<display "Troy Examinations 1">>\n<<display "Troy Actions 1">>
''>Captchalogue Kamina Posters''\n\n<html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/o8s3u.png"/></html>\n\n<<if !$lostsylladex>><<set $lostsylladex=true>><<endif>>Your SYLLADEX is missing! Very mysterious indeed. Where could it have gone? \n\n<<display "Troy Actions 1">>
''>Examine strange curtains''\n\n<html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/FrOi8.png"></html>\n\nLike many of your other CLEVER YET PLAYFUL RUSES, your OUT-OF-PLACE CURTAINS house many secrets no one would think to look for. Notably, they hold a WALL INDENTATION which, upon humming a few correct tunes, will reveal part of the answer to a MAJOR PUZZLE created by the writer solely to waste the player's time.\n\n<<display "Troy Examinations 1">>\n<<display "Troy Actions 1">>
''>Basement Fairy''\n\n<html><img src="http://i.imgur.com/6pA0a.png"></img></html>\n\nThat's not what the files say. Try again, donkey buttocks.\n\n[[Back|>Who's this douchebag?]]